Tea Lounge @ Regent Hotel
Venue: The Regent, 1 Cuscaden Road
Contact: 6725 3246
Website: http://www.regenthotels.com/EN/Singapore/Cuisine/Tea-Lounge/Menu-Highlights
I was craving for a high tea buffet and ended up in an impromptu visit to Tea Lounge. The price was a 'mental barrier' to overcome, and I sort of hypnotized myself that the price was totally justifiable as an afternoon tea buffet simply means 3 in 1 aka 3 meals taken together! And yes, I shamelessly stayed till to the end with a bursting tummy. =p
Seriously, I reckon I may be a rich tai tai already if not of my 'high maintenance' in food and travel. Other than these 2 loves, I have no interest in designer-branded bags and apparels. Well, everyone has their preference of splurging and mine is to satisfy the inner soul and forever growing appetite. ^_^(V)
Totally unrelated to Tea Lounge, but I'm going to Taiwan (AGAIN) in December, because of this....
Eva Hello Kitty Air is making a special trip from Singapore to Taipei! How can I miss this super good opportunity? More on that next time. Keke
The moment I stepped in, I was so excited! The place looked posh and the desserts strategically placed at the entrance were so colorful & appealing! And I was most regretful that I didnt have my camera with me, which explained the poor quality photos. Urgh.... >.<
It was a 'fantasy land' filled with macaroon, pralines, cakes, waffles, pancakes, ice-cream, fondue! I was so tempted by the desserts that I simply ignored the sequence and just ate the sweets between savories. =p
Well if you are not a sweet tooth person, there's plentiful of savories items as well!

Pie, Puff & Quiche


Local Delights: Laksa & Kueh Pie Tee

Scones, Sandwiches & Cheeses
Salmon,Cavier, Roe... God knows what's the green stuff is..

Told you, the spread here was good! I had a good time stuffing myself silly here. Although the price is not an everyday affair, it's a good place for occasionally pamper time. So go on, pamper yourself. You deserve it! =)
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