The Place Where Fun Begins & No Ending...
11:32:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments
10:45:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments
Suggestion for Food Variety
1) Use alumium foil to make a container. Melt chocolate bar in the container. Dip with banana, strawberries etc... Tata, ya got ur own FONDUE!
8:08:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments
Anyway, we had a hard time deciding which one to choose. Either not yet opened or closed for dinner or too expensive ( i.e prolly need to top up another $100 to satisfy my hunger) or just not worth to use the voucher.. -__-" We got no other better choice and so ended up at Prego. Anyway got free voucher mah, so no further complaints!
Well, this was the 2nd time I went to Prego. The first time I went, tink I had pasta, nothing fantastic considering that the price was not cheap. But the tirumisu was good and so I definitely got to order the tirumisu again! Keke
This bottle was quite interesting leh. It was in fact a bottle ( black vinegar) within a bottle (olive oil). Hmm, wondering where did they get this?
Back to main topic => FOOD!!
Now proudly presenting, our 2 main dish......
Salmon with foam-alike sauce ($30+)
What can I say? Normal salmon with weird foam sauce.... cant exactly say it was not nice to eat. Just so-so lor....
Pork with mashed potato ($30+)
Pork was kinda juicy, but after few bites I started to feel "exhausting". Ya know lah, pork was not as tender compared to chicken. I can felt my jaws under pressure and I dont have the mood to finish everything. That can be consider one of the Wonders liao, as usually I would polish my plate clean one lor...
Finally.. Tirumisu!!!!!
Layers of mascapone cheese & liqueur soaked sponge fingers. Topped it off with coffee/ cocoa powder.....MmmmMMM.. Marvelicious ( Marvelous + Delicious)!!
The whole bill came up to around $90+, including free bread, 2 main course and 1 dessert. The service was definitely good, ambience was homely ( because a lot of families gathering there?). Worth it? Well, I'm not sure... but I just feel that I could pay for similar stuff at a lower price. Haha... in any case, we just paid around $30 after utilising the voucher and so we were very very happy..
Showcase time!! Huh, what?? My photograhy skills lah! DUBZ....
2:47:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments
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