You From The Star OST

5:21:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Am watching this show now!

It's a love story between an earthling and this cool looking guy from another planet, and of coz there will be some "villain" in the show to make the story more interesting... Overall, I would say it's more funny than romantic... =p

Enjoy it!


Inspiring speech!

4:45:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

For those who feel a little less confident/negative of themselves, watch this!

Oh, did I mention I luv her voice?

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Serenity Spanish

12:31:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Venue: Vivocity, #01-98/99
Contact: 6376 8185 



Tips on Home Reno

12:42:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

1) If you are thinking of concealing your sockets in the cabinet, do highlight to your contractor not to position the sockets at the highest point. Reason being there are some plugs which are longer and hence will "protrude" higher than the sockets.

Pic A shows the socket positioned lower while Pic B shows the socket almost touching the ceiling.


Frozen - Let It Go

12:04:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I really like this song & this animation. If you havent watch the movie, do try to catch it! It's very different from the others. Dubzz, I mean of coz all animations are different, but this is more on sisterly love rather than romance? A story with a good balance of humor, adventures, magical (how can we miss this part in a Disney movie) and love. Enuff spoiler! I just wanna share this song! 

There are other beautiful songs as well, but I find "Let It Go" very inspiring & powerful and therefore my favorite piece! 

And... I luv luv luv Elsa's blue icy gown! =p

Like Fun-Hideout Facebook Page and follow me on Instagram to get quicker updates of Fun-Hideout and you can leave comment there too!  ♥ ♥ â™¥ 



11:07:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Venue: NEX Shopping Mall, #02-01/02/03 
Contact: 6634 4610


Home Pictures (Part 3)

5:07:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Pictures of my balcony with ikea planter & cabinet as divider to separate me and tenant.  Can't really see the full length of the balcony, unless I'm floating outside, which is mission impossible and so, make do.

See the pathetic sunflower on the planter. Now its already dying. Sobz. How to keep it alive? I just bought it 2 days ago for $10 and now it's dying?? Hope it will become sunflower seed so I can try to grow again..  i also bought basil and tomato seeds lor.. Please help my dying plants by advising me!