Itacho Sushi

8:30:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Venue: #02-35 Plaza Singapura
Contact: 6337 8922



Hello kitty chase!

1:16:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

If you have been following my Tumblr, you would have known that I had been eating Mac Happy Meal to get the free hello kitty toy!

Now presenting my full collection, short of 4 though, coz by the time I knew the promotion, it was already half-way through =(

The Kitty head will turn left and right when you move the sleigh forward

This one will really swirl with the hula hoop when you wind it up

This one comes with a mini compartment ( the standee) and bangles (the pink & blue part)

Free stickers! 

I must say, the standard of Mac toy is really good! Click my Tumblr for the edited photo!

Over dosage of Hello Kitty? I promise no more Hello Kitty stuff until I'm back from Taipei, which is happening in a week time!! Yeah, fly again! \^^/ 


Valentine with Hello Kitty

12:16:00 AM Unknown 2 Comments

Went to a Hello Kitty event recently... Hmm, let me share the cute stuff first! ^_^


Cheap lunch!

4:56:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Bought this deal for Rabbit Brand Seafood Delicacies at Boat Quay from Groupon - $7.50 for $15 worth voucher.

And we got what you see in the picture for just $8.75, each pax paid less than $5.

The food here was really cheap, coupled with the coupon we got, it was a steal!

In case it's not clear, we got each a soup, a dessert and rice with chicken,Chinese sausage, baby abalone, scallop & mushroom. In addition, we shared a spinach tofu and shisamo side dishes, and there was free flow of tea too. A very satisfying lunch indeed!

Like Fun-Hideout Facebook Page and follow me on Instagram to get quicker updates of Fun-Hideout and you can leave comment there too!  ♥ ♥ â™¥ 


Found the way 'home'... =)

12:09:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

In case you people never noticed, I finally solved the 'problem' for the short cut link to 'Home', 'Older Posts' and 'Previous Posts'.  It used to be so cumbersome when I wanna read my older posts and had to refer to the archival listing.

I hope reading my blog is more convenient for you now! And I do derive satisfaction from improving the 'look and feel' and ease of navigation of my blog,  much more compared to my job, even though it may means long hours of surfing the web looking for clues and figuring out the scripts. Do let me know if there's any area for improvements! \^.^/


Lo Hei!

12:21:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I did 8 Lo Hei in this Chinese New Year, which I think must had break my personal records. For the benefit of my non-Chinese readers, dun worry... Wikipedia is here to explain what's Lo Hei!

My own explanation ~ a time when you can any how throw (toss) your food without your parents breathing fire down your neck, just say a lot of good wishes when you play with the food! Keke

1) Did the first one with my friends at this kopitiam (Jin Shan Lin) in Bishan. It was so crowded that we only got a table at the back alley. So this Lo Hei was done in dim lights and I had absolutely no idea what I was eating.. But mind you, later I realized it was actually cheaper to buy from IchiBan / Sakae Sushi which offers thick slices of salmon at a lower price. We thought going to kopitiam is more economical. Oh well... *Shrugged*

2 & 3) With families, which means jia liao (additional ingredients). Too bad, never take photo. =(

4) The forth one was done with my colleagues at Old HK, Raffles city. Food was okay but service sucks! But I shall "forgive" them since it was festive period and it was super crowded than normal.



10:29:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Venue: #01-53 Vivo City S098585
Contact: 6273 3536
