Tamaya Dining

8:10:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I've said in my earlier entry that I will be back and so......

I'm BACK at Cuppage Terrace!!

Keke, I decided to try out another Japanese restaurant along Cuppage Terrace. Yes, I simply adores Japanese food, unlike other cuisine, you will never get tired of Japanese food. Beside being healthier, they taste yummy and look appetizing too!


I went with a group of 3 other gal friends and we were led into the tatami dining venue, where we were comfortably seated. Dun worry, you dun have to knee throughout the dinner. There is a hole under table where you can rest your legs.

We were quite "lost" with the varieties in the menu, but it did help with the english subtitles, but I though more pictures in the menu would be more helpful. Anyway, after like a very very long time, we finally decided on the items to order to share among us. Gals mah, just cant make up our minds! Hoho

While waiting for our dishes to come, we were served tea & appetizer. Mind you, they came at a price not cheap.

The tea was not free-flow like other Japanese restaurant, but was priced at $3 per pot. The appetizer, which we though was free ( since we dint order it), was priced at $3 each. So if you dun want the appetizer, make sure that you do let the waitress knows before the bill comes... For us, it was "water under the bridge" ... too late! SOB SOB.. What to do? Pay lah...

Buta Shoga Yaki - $12
(Marinated Teriyaki Ginger Pork Loin)

This was a nice dish, which should go well with rice... Haha. But the best had yet to come...

California Maki $10

This was an order made by my fren. Me ain't fan of california maki but serving was really huge with avocado & springy roe! A good substitute if you dun wan to order any rice/noodles dish...

Nigiri Mori -$10

One of my favorite -> Sashimi!!! Dun ask me how to differentiate them, coz other them salmon, I dunno which is which... But if my memory works well, there should be yellowtail, mackerel, tuna etc in the platter.

To me, as long as the fishes were fresh, they were all taste sweet & good!

Curry Udon - $8

Some stable food to ensure everyone were well-fed. Nothing to rave, kinda normal lah...

Wagyu Steak - $22
( Beef cube steak with Japanese sauce)

This was the best, unanimously agreed by the whole gang. The steak were nicely diced such that it did not end up being overcooked, yet small enough to place the whole cube in 1 mouth. It was important because, this would prevent the meat juice from oozing out. A must try indeed!

Agedashi Tofu - $8

Crispy golden fried tofu in dashi soup. Good as a side dish.

Salmon Kamameshi - $15( Iron pot rice with salmon and roe)

By the time this was served, we were all damn full. Seriously, I cant comment whether it was good or not when I was too full to eat! Keke


The total bill was around $144, which worked out to be $36 per pax. Slightly on a high end side, but I guess it offers great Japanese ambiance and authentic Japanese food ( saw that the other diners were mostly Jap).

And oh, you must come here and check out their toilet bowl! It's the Japanese toilet bowl!! Those that can help you to wash your buttock one! Keke

Venue: 45 Cuppage Terrance, S229464

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Updates of....

2:06:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

ME, of coz! =p

I went to watch " Race to the Witch Mountain" oreadi. Well, kinda average movie, no high or low moments throughout the movie, it was really 平平 all the way... *Yawn*

But I was particular perplexed about 1 thing... Why was the "good" ailens super nice-looking, i.e. looked exactly like normal human being, whereas the"bad" ailens were super slimy-looking? Just like any other movies, the good guys are always the better-looking species - handsome, gorgeous, macho, intelligent, funny etc while the bad guys are always clumsy, fat, ugly etc. In reality, we all know that God is fair, either you are smart & average looking, or you are a dumb blond with big boobs.. That's why I'm perfectly comforted that I'm average looking, coz I'm smart!! HAHAHA *Bragging session huh??*

Anyway, I'm going to watch Detroit Metal City tonight. Another comedy show!! Woohoo, I like!! I simply adore brainless funny show.... Erm, did I just say that I'm smart? Keke

My colleagues told me the main lead is the same person that acted as "L" in Death Note, it was so unbelieveable! For a moment, I was kinda disappointed... But on 2nd thought, it meant that the actor is really versatile!! A plus point!! ^__^


Oh yah, I'm going Hong Kong in May, so 1+ month to go!! It will mean more food entries and of coz Disneyland!! This will be my third visit to Disneyland , 1st in USA & 2nd in Japan, looking forward to hear Mickey & Minnie Mouse speak in Cantonese! Haha

I will be there for a total of 5 days, 3 days in city area, 2 days at Disneyland. Gonna stay at Disneyland Hollywood Hotel too! =p

Too bad, bf & good fren cant join, kinda disappointed! Sobz...

So it really became a family outing liao. Let's see, when was the last time I went trip with parents?? More than 10 years ago!! Kaoz...

Good thing when travelling with parents... You Got Yourself A Walking ATM With No Withdrawal Limit!! hehe

But I paid for their tour package wor, an alarming amount of $1090 for each pax!!!

*Almost fainting* Someone, please hold on to me....

Heng, I have a sister, so at least each of us pay for 1 parent. Imagine you are the only child, you have to pay for both parents!! hehe..

Seriously, I dunno why go Hong Kong is so expensive. For a 4D3N package, it was about $900 after all taxes. That doesnt even include Disneyland ticket & hotel. Anyway, we extended 1 more day, changed to SQ flight, included the Disneyland ticket & hotel. Added here & there, ended up with $1,090. At least, it sounded more like a better deal, since the difference was not a lot.

Ok, I shall post up the photos in May, so watch out for them!! =)


So Yummy!

9:38:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Yes, that's right! The restaurant is really called Seoul Yummy, which sound like so yummy. First of all, thumb up for the innovative name, least left a impression for me... ^_^

The restaurant is quite big, located on the third floor at Novena Square 2, next to the escalator. It has 2 sections, with different decorations. Well, I choose the Autumn theme, which is more romantic mah...

Fake autumn trees in the restaurant

P.S If you happen to be the guy in the picture and happen to chance upon my blog, paiseh ar.. I kinda lazy to edit the photo. But you look presentable in the photo, so dun be angry okie. But if you really dun like, just msg me, I will take down the photo lor...

The menu offers both ala carte food items, as well as various meal sets with different pricing. Being the lazy kind, I just took the dinner set, mid range one of coz =p The set dinner that I picked was for 2 pax, included 6 side dishes, 1 grilled saba, 1 seafood soup and fried bee hoon.

Set Dinner $33.99

6 side dishes to start the meal





Pardon the blur-ness. They were taken with my iPhone 2 mp camera lah, so kinda difficult to focus close-ups. But overall, the phone camera was still satisfactory!! So no complaints! ^_^

Anyway, I just knew recently that Singtel helps to unlock iPhone, so I went and did for mine. Keke, finally these photos can be "released" from the phone for uploading! Actually, I went Seoul Yummy quite some time ago, but I just cant transfer the photos out from my iPhone, which explained the very much delay... No more such problem in the future! Hurray!!

Keke, side tracked a bit... where was I? Oh yah, set dinner...

Fried Bee Hoon

Well, it was not exactly called fried bee hoon. But I cant remember the name, and so I named it fried bee hoon since it really looked like one mah. Keke, a bit "土" rite? Nevermind the name, this was yummy, with lotza of ingredients like shredded egg, vege, carrot etc

Grilled Saba

That was a generous serving of fish meat, but we still managed to whack everything. A little bit more sauce would be nicer though... keke

Seafood Tofu Soup

This was kinda plain & light, quite a contrast to spicy kimchi. As the name mentioned, the soup came with LOTZA tofu... Tofu was nice lah, but it was a bit too much right?

Cheese Rice Cake $7.80

Definitely my favourite dish! Cheese and Rice Cake, both I like!

The plate was first lined with rice cakes in their special sauce, and then layered with a coating of cheese. Even though the sauce looked "challenging", it was not spicy at all. Great for non-spicy fans like myself. ^__^ I definitely recommend this dish, something unique I feel. Try it if you are there!

Green Tea Melon $6.80

Being a die-hard dessert fan, what's a complete meal without one?? But hor, please dun order this, ultimate wrong combination!!

I thought it was green tea ice-cream with red beans and watermelon. Turned out to be vanilla yogurt ice-cream, with green tea powder, red beans and watermelon cubes. The green tea powder simply dun blend with the yogurt ice-cream. On its own, I will think the yogurt ice-cream is nice, almost like Yami yogurt. But because the green tea powder dint melt or blend with the ice-cream, it became bitter and sort of wasted the ice-cream.

We went extreme by trying to blow away the green tea powder to reveal the "uncontaminated" yogurt icecream. I almost see myself wearing Big Bad Wolf costume in the story of 3 Little Pigs => I PUFFED & PUFFED....

Paiseh to the waitress who needed to clean our table though... HAHHAHAH

Finally, the most exciting part.... WHAT'S THE TOTAL DAMAGE??!!???




A total price of $55.55 ( inclusive of all taxes & service charge) for 2 person. Not your everyday meals, but affordable for small treats at times!


Venue: Square 2 #03-68
Contact: 6397 6939


Movies & more Movies

8:22:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I watched damn many movies this 2 weeks... Well not actually a lot, but I haven't been watching movies for months leh!! =p

Anyway, the movies that I had watched are.....

He's Just Not That Into You

Marley & I


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

What's the similarities??




They are all still in box office!! ^-^

It showed how new these movies are lor...

"He's Just Not That Into You" was funny. Funny in the sense that I think most gals will be able to relate at least 1 or 2 incidents to their own experiences. Well, I think I did. It was really a GER movie. Guys who are jerks, treating gfs / gers as dispensable items, please go and watch the movie & WAKE UP YOUR IDEA! Sometime it's better to look at things from a third party's perspective & reflect your own actions. Dun freak, there are of coz adorable bfs around..

"Marley & I" was touching. Love the dog, he was so much like your own child. Super notti & willful, yet so lovable. The saddest part was the part the dog choose to hide away when he knew he was dying. My colleague told me that this is nature of all animals. In a certain way, it is such a thoughtful gesture.

(p.s. I'm assuming that most people had watched the movie, so it's ok to reveal the ending... keke)

"K-20" was definitely entertaining, beside the drooling factor => Takeshi Kaneshiro!!!! Who can resist such a man? He is good-looking, charming, funny, smart... I can just go on forever & ever!!

There are funny, action, love, detective scenes.. a combination of everything. I think I'm getting a bit bias here, but I thought all Japanese film are nice. Well movies like Death Note, The Ring etc.. they are all so captivating! There will be another Jap film " Handsome Suit" coming up, seems to be funny... I probably will watch it simply because it's another Jap film... haha

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" was a bit disappointing. The thriller and review were so good, that explained my higher expectation of the show. The saying goes, the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. The movie was filmed in such a way that it appeared to be a story-telling session, bringing you from scene to scene at the different stages of Benjamin Button. Well, probably because it was highly unlikely to happen, it lacked the personal touch. And the fact that both parties, Ben & the female lead each had their own lovers before coming together again seemed to scar the beauty of their love. Perhaps I'm a bit too perfectionist... Ha, again that was my opinion.

Anyway, the next movie I'm going watch is "Race to the Witch Mountain" .....

Well, stay tune for my "movie review"!


Batam Weekend

7:56:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Yup, went to Batam again over the weekend, the 2nd time in 2 months period. But the offer seemed too appealing to refuse and I really wanted to get away........ So whack lah!

The offer of $199 included a bedroom suite ( WOW) at Holiday Inn, ferry tickets and a 2 hour spa treatment. The price excluded taxes and weekend surcharge, which all in all, added up to roughly less than $250 per pax. Anyway, the timing was just neat, you would depart in Sat noon and back in Sun noon. No need to take any annual leave at all, great for ppl like me who have pathetic number of AL. -__-|||

Anyway, I was quite skeptical at first regarding the hotel & the bedroom suite. But the minute we reached Holiday Inn, we were like jaws dropped. It was so different from the other resorts that I've stayed before in Batam. It looked more like a condominium, with all the facilities like swimming pool, gym, tennis court etc

Well, I took some pictures of the hotel from the balcony of our room...


Back to reality

10:46:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Went to Batam over the weekend... Yes, Batam AGAIN.

Well, there was nothing much to do, and a short getaway can really help to heighten the spirit a bit. I think I need that.

Holiday Inn was good, best accommodation so far. I dun even mind going back there again. There was clean swimming pool, tennis court, gym, KTV and of coz spa. Or simply bring a card game or two, and spend the day there playing cards, watching TV, eating tibits etc.

Life can really be simply and contented.

I'm still in a "retarded" mode now, so give me a few days and I would surely upload my photos there... Actually not much photos lah, basically to "show off" the bedroom suite that we stayed. =p

So check back here again soon!