The ABC of Marriage
I just attended a church wedding recently, which turned out to be quite "entertaining". The pastor shared a lot of stories and experiences, which I decided to share some of it here... ^_^
The ABC of Marriage
A for Acceptance

Before marriage, bf waited for the gf, no matter how late she was. 1 hour seemed to be only a minute passed when the couple were still blindly in love... No imperfection existed.
After marriage, the wife was late for a minute, but to the husband it seemed like eternity. To him, it felt like an hour had passed instead. Impatience, therefore, kicked in.
Similar scenario:Before marriage, the bf held the LV bag/ Gucci bag for the gf. Nothing was impossible for the sake of the gf, even if it was at the expense of diminishing the macho image.
After marriage, the wife was asking the husband to hold the NTUC bags that contained necessities for the married couple. However, the husband asked "You dont have hands meh?"
So what has changed? We are still looking at the same set of couple, nothing has changed, only the threshold of expectation & tolerance has changed.
Our threshold to tolerate the shortcomings of our partners decrease, while the threshold of them meeting our expectations increase.
But marriage is not about changing our partners. If there is any changes to be made, it can only be ourselves. If we are able to change ourselves ( our thinkings, our expectations), everything else will change as well..
B for Be the Best for your partner
( Yes, even if it means play role Starwars character just to impress.. keke)An Indian husband saw that his ang mo neighbour husband always kiss and hug the wife when he went to work, and back home. Indian husband was contemplating whether to do the same to his own wife. Finally, he decided to do it one day, expecting the wife to be very happy.
Alas, it turnedout otherwise. The Indian wife wailed out loudly instead.
She said: " The washing machine is spolit. The dinner is burnt and the kids are crying. And you, you came back drunk!" Shaking her head as usual...
The moral of the story? You just have to be the best for your partners always. Not only when you are lovingly dating, or in the honeymoon period. It should be a conscious decision to always be your best everyday, every time simply because you should "save" the best for your most loved ones.
You will present a good image in your workplace, be a best pal with your friends, so why shouldnt we be in our best for someone who will live and age together?
C for Commitment to Communication

One day, a son came back from school and told his father:
" Pa, I learnt something about husband & wife... Husband is like kopi, and wife is like bread"
Puzzled, the father asked why.
" Because kopi TIAM ( quiet) and bread TALK"
The couple should be committed to each other and to remain committed, they need to communicate. It shouldnt be a one way traffic, with the husband keeping quiet and the wife rattling. Each partner should have their fair chance of being the listener and the speaker.

So what are you waiting? Start making love now!
Heh, what are you thinking?
Start making effort for your love lah!
Dun just wait & expect your love will work out alright. Love need efforts to maintain and let these efforts eventually be a habit, be sth that just come naturally =)
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