Ice Cream Making at Udders

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Venue: 246D Upper Thomson Road 
Contact: 6452 0803

Last Saturday, we attended a 2 hour ice-cream making workshop organized by hubby's company at Udders. It was my first time making my very own ice-cream and we ended off with ice-cream buffet! Oh well, initially I thought it was a lunch buffet so we skipped our breakfast & lunch ( rather, we woke up late lah =p). Heh, who knows ice-cream and waffles can be quite filling when consumed a lot. LOL
Lotza of flavours from classic, premium and connoisseur ranges..... all part of our ice-cream buffet. =)
I thought it's nice to have a corporate bonding event at an ice cream place, coupled the fact that the cost is still reasonable. It's cool to meet up with your colleagues and bosses' family and most obvious reason, who can resist ice-cream huh huh?
 Our trainer for the day

The workshop begun with a brief story on how Udders come about. Apparently, the founder decided one day that he had enough of his mundane job and bought 2 machines, one being the ice-cream maker and the other I forgot what.  He tossed the coin between the 2 machinery and you know what happened. Then, he self taught himself on how to make ice-cream and in 4 months, he started Udders. Quite incredible to know that there's really someone who uses a coin to decide his career path. A crazy move that turns out amazing!!

Then, there was a short quiz and I won a $10 voucher for making the right answer!
Question is what's the most important ingredient in ice-cream making. Do you know the answer? Heh, think first and you shall find the answer at the end of this post. 

200ml milk
100ml cream
200ml coconut cream (buy the packet one)
50g sugar 

That's all the ingredients we need to make coconut ice-cream, so easy right?
 Step 1: Mix all the ingredient together, make sure the sugar has all dissolved.
If you want to make chocolate ice-cream, skip the sugar and add hershey chocolate sauce (free flow!) instead of coconut milk and use 200ml cream instead of 100ml.

Step 2: Pour the mixture into 2 separate ziplock bag (because the portion is meant for 2 pax). Make sure the mixture is sealed well. 

Step 3: Prepare a really big bag of ice (in zip lock bag as well) and put a lot of coarse salt in it and shake well. Salt will reduce the melting point. What you are trying to create is this liquid that is suppose to be minus 22 degree. Do not attempt to touch the ice bag with bare hands, use a towel to handle the bag instead.

Step 4: Put the mixture bag into the bottom of the ice bag, so that the mixture bag is in contact with the liquid in the ice bag.

(Paiseh no picture to show as hands were occupied doing the steps!)
Step 5: Shake well to introduce AIR (Yes, air is the most important ingredient in ice cream making!) into the bag. 
Small mixture bag inside the big ice bag. Hope you get a better idea of what I meant under Step 2 to 4. =p

Da ta...... My very own brand of coconut ice cream! It's nice too! 

Too bad, due to hygiene results, we were not allowed to take back, so we only ate a few mouth of our DIY ice cream and the rest needed to be dumped. Quite wasteful hor...

And also because we were so going for the real good stuff!

Favourite flavour: The Mao Shan Wang flavour is wickedly good!

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