Wheeler's Yard

1:54:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Venue: 28 Lorong Ampas
Contact: 6254 9128


Wheeler's Yard is a place where food & bike come together "hidden" in an industrial estate. I will not know this "ulu" place if not of the ravings from other bloggers. I love the spacious and unpretentious layout and I can totally imagine coming here with a group of friends to just eat and be fat. Heehee
There are big rectangular tables with bicycles as the centerpiece. How cool is that?!? Especially the one that is rode by a mini batman, so cute! 

This makes a great place to get to know new people too, since strangers have to share the tables. But somehow it's not common to chit chat to strangers in Singapore. I'll do that when I'm overseas, just a smile and you can easily strike a conversation with that stranger sitting across the table. *Shrugged*
More seating outside the cafe!

If you are a bike lover, I'm sure you will adore this place where you can meet like minded and exchange a tip or two!
It's a self service concept here, so proceed to the counter to place your order. Get your buzzer and wait patiently for your food.
If you are bored, there are magazine for your reading pleasure.
Our orders:  

Hum Bao Bao - $23.90
Grilled Chicken - $17.90
Cappuccino - $5
Root Beer - $3.90
People who know me personally know I dont really drink coffee. But for the sake of the latte art, I ordered a cup lor; it's called "sacrifice" for my blog... Keke
The grilled chicken was fairly normal.
I had to order Hum Bao Bao because I'm a "hum bao bao"! "Hum" sounds like perspire and "Bao Bao" means baby in chinese, so collectively it will mean a baby who perspires a lot. LOL 

Super big burger with 2 thick patty & oozing cheese! The portion was humongous and I couldnt finish myself. No wonder most of those who ordered the dish were guys..
The ambiance was so nice & relax that I refused to leave even though I was so full. And the cakes and tarts looked so damn good that I thought I would die if I didnt try at least one at that instance.
I was deciding between Soursop Meringue Tart ($7.50) and Horlicks Tart ($7.90) as both sound more interesting than the commonly available fruit and chocolate tarts. Since hubby decided to "abandon" me by not sharing the load of the dessert with me, I went ahead to order the Soursop Meringue Tart which I know he will not like it being a boring and unadventurous eater. >.<
Guess what? I loved it and I thought it was the best order of the day! The tart was crispy & hard, just the way I like the crust to be. The soursop filling was refreshing yet not overpowering. This is definitely something that I will order again. =)

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