
9:48:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I've been visiting some very good restaurants and I dun think it's fair to them if I just categorized them as passable, but again I may not want to visit it again due to personal preference / pricing...

*Cleared throat*

So being a very partial person, I shall re-word my food categories as follows (changes underlined):

Passable:  This will mean that the food is nice, can try if you wanna something new or have the money to spare or you can simply give it a miss. In short, not a must try lah..

Loving: Food/service here is good and if the pricing is within my budget, I dun mind going back again.

Marvelicious: These are food places that I adore regardless of the pricing. I would want to re-visit even if it means eating bread for a week or so... Keke

Will review my categorization for my previous posts as well.... Hopefully, this will give you a better gauge! ^_^

Look out for my reviews on the restaurants listed in the Restaurant Week ~ I visited 2 during the Restaurant Weeks and I've been to 3 of them on my own accord (which means expensive meal with no discount!! = Phew blood!).