Les Patisseries

10:53:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Venue: 222 Upper Thomson Road S574354 (Relocated)


I love dainty cafes in neighbourhood as usually they are nicely decorated, not so crowded and offer good food, if not better. Sitting in a nice & quiet cafe, doing some reading or just daydream your time away can be really therapeutic. Well, if there are cute cakes and free coffee aroma ( I don't really drink coffee), it will be a budget weekend activity. =)

To survive in an old neighborhood is no easy feat where walk-in will be relatively lesser and word-of-mouth is important; they need customers to go to them instead. So I really admire the 3 young chap who started off Les Paterssires; I wish I have some sort of skills to start my own business too! Well, wait till I strike toto ya? Keke
 Forest Berry Tart - $6.50 & Tiramisu - $7

The first time I went, we just had tarts which were as good as they looked! Especially, the Forest Berry Tart. The berries were big & sweet, with layer of cream cheese and a biscuit base, really nice! Tiramisu was presented differently, although I still preferred the traditional one.
 Truffle Mushroom Pasta - $9.90
The second time, I decided to try the savoury item. It was easy to choose since selection was limited and I just go with the popular choice, which was simply penne with truffle mushroom sauce. If you are a truffle lover, I'm afraid this will probably disappoint you because there was hardly truffle taste. But that's  how I like it, coz I kinda dislike the fungus taste. Oops..  

The pasta tasted like very gao (thick) mushroom sauce drizzled over the penne; I can almost 'drink' the sauce! A very simple and filling dish. Yes, it may look small but definitely filling. 

Oh ya, if you are a first time visitor, do go to the counter to make your order. Menu is on the chalkboard on the wall behind the cashier. And since you are at the counter, dont forget to order the pretty dessert displayed out. =) 

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